Medium of Instruction

Junior Form (S1-S3)

Medium of Instruction (MOI) Policy

Junior Form


With reference to the Fine-Tuned Medium of Instruction (MOI) Arrangements suggested by the Education Bureau, our school is expanding the English learning environment using an incremental approach. Through subject streaming, class grouping and leveled teaching, we hope to maximise students’ exposure to the language and facilitate their smooth transition to senior secondary education as well as university studies.


EMI classes

There are two English Medium of Instruction (EMI) classes in each form. In both classes, English is used in Maths, Science, Computer Literacy and English lessons. All the teaching materials and exam papers of the two EMI classes are all available mainly in English.


CMI classes

Science lessons in CMI classes are conducted in English while other subjects including Maths, Home Economics and Computer Literacy are instructed in English for 25% of the curriculum. Meanwhile, the school strives to launch a range of English activities to arouse students’ interests and potential in the language.

Senior Form (S4-S6)

Medium of Instruction (MOI) Policy

Senior Form


Based on students' interests, academic and career needs, language and subject abilities and the nature of the subjects, our school implements bilingual policy in teaching different subjects. Among the four compulsory subjects, only Citizenship and Social Development is instructed in Chinese. For Mathematics, there are three groups of English classes, with extended modules 1 and 2 inclusive, and two groups of Chinese classes. The language arrangements for other subjects are as follows:


Chinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development


English Language






Mathematics Extended Modules M1/ M2


Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography


Chinese history, History, ICT, Visual Arts



To promote all-round development, students are also required to take OLE lessons such as arts education, bible studies, physical education, class teacher periods and assemblies. During arts education periods, students have an ample of chances to touch on both contemporary and classical artworks, music, drama and multimedia.