Principal’s Message 09/2021

To pass on and to praise


To me, I see my service as the school principal here as a grace granted from God. It is also my pleasure to bear the trust of the school’s IMC in taking up this role. Recalling the time when I graduated from my Chinese Degree at Chinese University of Hong Kong twenty years ago, I pledged to preach through education. I strongly believe that the values upheld in Christian Education are the most ideal teaching philosophy. Only through demonstrating biblical virtues can children establish a true life, which is filled with biblical grace and genuine talents. Based on this ideal, allow me to share my teaching goals.


To Teach is to Build — For I’m Building a People of Power

The word ‘builds’ embeds six elements in my teaching goals. They are


Bonding — stands for the connection with God and God is the source of truth. As educators, we teach not only academic

                 knowledge but also the truth of God


Understanding — refers to our dedication to walk with students, to feel what they feel


Intelligence — students are expected to comprehend God’s wisdom thoroughly and apply it in daily life


Love — be the aroma of Christ to God. teach with love unconditionally


Dependable — students can count on teachers as we are honest entities and are always here for students


Service — christian-teachers are readily ready to involve in the community to offer helping hands wherever it needs


Ever since founded in 1999, Lau Wing Sang Secondary School has been headed by a team of professional teaching staff. As teachers, we devoted ourselves to helping students in every aspect, in any time, and anywhere. It is our biggest wish to nourish future leaders and equip them as the soldiers and ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven. In Psalm 126:5, it wrote ‘Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.’  The Psalm has always inspired me to pass on the great good tradition of Lau Wing Sang. I believe that God’s grace is sufficient for us, enabling me and empowering me to lead the school to multiple future milestones and shine in the community. May the glory to the Lord!


Parents are indispensable partners to school. Thanks to their efforts and acclaim, our school is well-recognised by the public. Parents’ trust, support and encouragement have definitely driven us to progress.


It is now the beginning of the school year, let us all pray for God’s grace in our life. Regardless of the inconvenience caused by the pandemic, we long for his guidance in purifying our minds, polishing our virtues and brushing up our learning attitude. At the Opening Ceremony this year, in order to comply with the social-distance measures, only two forms of students were arranged to attend the ceremony physically while the other students could only participate on ZOOM. Under this new normal, we shall cherish every moment spent with our students. Meanwhile, students shall be equipped with stronger resilience in face of challenges. At the Prize-giving Ceremony on the Orientation Day, more than ten university freshmen came back to our family and shared their experiences as alumni, vesting greater confidence in their younger schoolmates, passing on a spirit of mutual care. As a freshman here, I am unquestionably touched by this scene.


May we give thanks to every moment in our lives for God is the creator.